Thursday, July 8, 2010

Once Upon A Read A Thon: Recommended Reading:

Once Upon A Read-A-Thon


Hosted by Pure Imagination, Candace's Book Blog and Reading Angel

The Read-a-thon is July 12-14.

The ladies that started the read-a-thon thought that in preparation for the read-a-thon we'd post about books we loved, that were fast and fun, and that we thought you would enjoy trying for the read-a-thon!

Here are a few of my picks

Jeremy Pascall - God: The Ultimate Autobiography

Book Blurb: The "author" of this irreverent, good-natured romp is identified as ``God, The Author of All Creation, with Jeremy Pascall, holy ghost.'' Covering mainly the high points of the Old Testament, the Author tells us that Adam and Eve were created primarily to take care of Eden, ``a little piece of Heaven on Earth'' and ``the first ever Garden Center.'' The begetting part got a bit out of hand occasionally, He admits, larking His way through chapters on Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah. In fact, He thinks the procreative act ``too complicated . . . uncomfortable . . . and extremely undignified. . . . Personally, I prefer a nice cup of tea.'' And He confesses that He turns malcontents into cacti, which is how He transformed his holy ghost writer (see Footnote 61). British novelist Pascall obviously did not intend this sunny little book for fundamentalists or those of any faith who take their religion seriously. Illustrated with 40 rather uninspiring cartoons, the book also contains a Bibleography (sic) that lists the soon-to-be-discovered Red Sea Scrolls and The Noah Letters, ``written by Noah and his wife Norah to The Author''; an Addenda (sic): Anchovy, the use of as a cure for bunions. . . . ; an Eratta (sic): ``There are no eratta as The Author does not make mistakes''; and an Erratum: ``Eratta should be spelt errata. The Publisher apologizes for this error.''

Richard Paul Evans - Grace (Any of Richard's books belong here)

Book Blurb: She was my first kiss. My first love. She was a little match girl who could see the future in the flame of a candle. She was a runaway who taught me more about life than anyone has before or since. And when she was gone my innocence left with her.

As I begin to write, a part of me feels as if I am awakening something best left dead and buried, or at least buried. We can bury the past, but it never really dies. The experience of that winter has grown on my soul like ivy climbing the outside of a home, growing until it begins to tear and tug at the brick and mortar.

I pray I can still get the story right. My memory, like my eyesight, has waned with age. Still, there are things that become clearer to me as I grow older. This much I know: too many things were kept secret in those days. Things that never should have been hidden. And things that should have.

Jimmy Buffett - Swine Not

Book Blurb: Best-selling writer Jimmy Buffett weaves an irresistible new tale - filled with colorful characters, wry humor, and the pursuit of a very clever pig.
When Southern belle Ellie McBride moves her twins from Vertigo, Tennessee to New York, they wouldn't dream of leaving behind the family pig Rumpy. But the posh hotel where Ellie has found work (and living space) has "No Pets" writ large on its portal. So hiding Rumpy from the hotel staff - especially the ultra-carnivorous hotel chef, who would like nothing better than to transform their pet into pork roast - becomes imperative.


Angela @ Reading Angels said...

Great picks! I haven't read any of these!

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